Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Tele care and Relic guitars

It is amazing at how we value different things. I have always been the type that takes care of the things I have and try an prolong the life of them. I have always tried to keep my guitars in pristine condition. I clean them regularly and have gone as far as to have the Fender Guitar cleaning kit. It has an assortment of waxes and polishes and misters to really give your guitar's finish a nice luster and also protect them. I also learned how to set up my guitars. This is great because it not only saves me from taking them and paying someone else $50 twice a year, it is a way to  prevent any issues further down the road. So the long and short, I love my guitars to look exactly as they did the day I got them out of the box. I can't help but laugh at the guys who buy the same guitar as I have...but get the Road worn or relic'd guitars. It is sad to see that people are so fake and have to buy a brand new guitar and I mean new...not one that is vintage and beat up from years of being played. These guys say that they like the look and feel of these guitars. I say..get off your duff and really play..go out and gig that is how your guitar will be relic'd. I am sorry for the rant, but this new generation wants everything handed to them and do not know the value of hard work to attain your goals.

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