Saturday, December 12, 2009

Not so good Influences

I have pretty much lived my life in my own way. I have never been one to go with the trends of fashion or the coolest car, etc. I am a member of several different forums and in some of them I have noticed how so many folks are afraid to leave their gear as is. They generally are new to the forums and they tend to have other folks make decisions on their gear for them. I can't help but laugh when someone says "What guitar should I get, which is better, what pickups will make me sound better, etc etc etc. What bothers me is when a new guy comes in to the forum and says I just got a new MIM Tele and I am excited...what should I change. I always ask have you even played it? I would say 90% of the time the answer is no...but then some guy says do this or that to it and it will sound great. These are the kind of influences that just rub me the wrong way.

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