Friday, October 30, 2009

Long Weekend adventure...sort of....

Today started out really well. I am off for a nice 4 day weekend so we decided to go up to north Georgia to pick up the antique 1936 Zenith Radar eye Console Radio we found a month ago. The drive up was fast uneventful and really relaxing! A and I were talking and laughing and just totally savoring the thought of a long weekend with no place to be and only each other to be with. We pick up the beautiful piece of Americana and then decide to have lunch at Cracker Barrel(one of our favorite restaurants) and then just cruise on back home. Everything was going well...we were enjoying the changing foliage against the lead gray sky as we were making out way back to the green of south Georgia. Well...the adventure...traffic on a Friday afternoon at 3:20pm during football season in Atlanta. Now, I have lived in NYC...both in Manhattan and in the greatest borough, Brooklyn....a city of 12 million would think that traffic was bad right? is smooth and rather fast considering. Now Atlanta...a small city of only 1 million..easy drive...SO VERY WRONG!!! I was amazed at how backed up the traffic was...all because a car broke down and everyone had to rubber neck. The adventure...not get in an accident...:) Well, during that time we were listening to some Brad Paisley and Keith Urban as noted in a previous two Tele guitar heroes...and my gorgeous wife was listening to me expound on the virtues and quality of the Tele sound on their recordings. Marriage to A is such a joy....normally I would have been impatient and furious about such horrible traffic at that time of day. A makes it a great time because we are together and just loving every moment of our time. It is also an amazing feeling to know that she appreciates my guitar playing and how much I enjoy to play. I have a charmed life!!!

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